Nursing Career Articles
Last updated: December 20, 2023

Today, a degree in nursing provides a variety of opportunities and nursing career paths, such as clinical nursing, management, advanced practice, academic teaching and corporate level leadership. Lippincott® NursingCenter® is pleased to provide you with this collection of nursing career articles to inspire and support your professional goals. Discover tips for finding your first job and bridging the gap between school and practice, as well as resources related to career development and certification.
Getting Started
Career Satisfaction
- Career Satisfaction and Advancement Related to Mentorship Experiences of Underrepresented Nursing Faculty, Nursing Education Perspective
- Navigating a Career in Medicine as a Woman, Critical Care Nursing Quarterly
- New Strategies to Combat Workplace Incivility and Promote Joy, Nursing2023
- The Effect of Career Plateauing as a Mediating Factor on Nurses’ Job Satisfaction and Promotability, JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration
- The Impact of Generation on Nurse Manager Job Satisfaction, JONA: Journal of Nursing Administration
- Demographic Differences in Satisfaction and Work-Life Balance of Prelicensure Nursing Faculty, Nurse Educator
- BLOG A New Goal: Work-Life Integration, Lippincott® NursingCenter®
- Reversing the Great Resignation in Nursing: More Things to Consider, JONA: Journal of Nursing Administration
- Lived Travel Nurse and Permanent Staff Nurse Pandemic Work Experiences as Influencers of Motivation, Happiness, Stress, and Career Decisions: A Qualitative Study, Nursing Administration Quarterly
- Original Research: An Investigation of Career Choice Regret Among American Nurses, AJN, American Journal of Nursing
- BLOG 12 Ways to Improve Your Time Efficiency, Lippincott® NursingCenter®
- BLOG Creating a Positive Nursing Work Environment, Lippincott® NursingCenter®
Certification and Licensure 
- Focus On: Specialty Certification, Lippincott® NursingCenter®
- BLOG Quick Guide to Studying for Certification Exams, Lippincott® NursingCenter®
- Credentialed and Privileged Clinical Nurse Specialists, Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Hospital-Based Credentialing and Privileging: Overview and Implications for the Clinical Nurse Specialist, Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Preceptor & Certification Opportunities, Journal for Nurses in Professional Development
- The Value of Certification, Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!
- Nursing Certification Boards By Specialty, Lippincott® NursingCenter®
- VIDEO Celebrating Certified Nurses, Lippincott® NursingCenter®
- PODCAST Reaching a Level of Excellence: A Conversation with Casey Green, BSN, RN, CCRN, CTRN, CFRN, CEN, TCRN, CPEN, Lippincott® NursingCenter®
- Journey from Nursing Cap to Academic Regalia, Nursing2023
- Reorienting After a Layoff, Nursing2023
- NCPD Dying to Retire or Living to Work: Challenges Facing Aging Nurses, Nursing2023
- Role of nursing in telehealth, Nursing2022
- Clinical Nurse Specialist Transition to Practice, Clinical Nurse Specialist
- An Innovative Workforce Initiative to Support New Graduate Nurses: Clinical Nurse Transition Coaches, JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration
- Pivoting Through Our Discipline, Gastrointestinal Nursing
- So you want to leave the bedside for academia: Here's what you should know, Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!
- Camp Nursing: A Unique Specialty, Journal of Christian Nursing
- A Day in the Life of a Hospice Nurse, Home Healthcare Now
Career Advancement and Leadership
- BLOG 5 Ways to Advance your Nursing Career, Lippincott® NursingCenter®
- Supporting Advanced Practice Nurses to Work at the Top of Their License: A Partnership with Nurse Executives, JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration
- Use Stepping Stones to Advance Your Career, Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing
- From Project Proposal to Publication, Clinical Nurse Specialist
- NCPD Scholarly Requirements and Support for Nursing Faculty Development and Career Advancement: A Nationwide Delphi Study, Nursing Education Perspectives
- Beyond a Clinical Ladder: A Career Pathway for Professional Development and Recognition of Oncology Nurses, JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration
- An Innovative Assistant Nurse Manager Residency Program Focused on Participation, Satisfaction, Promotion, and Retention, JONA: Journal of Nursing Administration
- RN to BSN Programs, Lippincott® NursingCenter®
- Advanced Degree Nursing Programs, Lippincott® NursingCenter®
Professional Issues